SATURDAYS — 6:00pm - Great Vespers
SUNDAYS — 8:30am - Orthros, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy (Main Service)
Three Hierarchs is a growing and diverse community sharing “one faith, one Lord, one baptism” (Eph. 4:5). While a few of our members were Orthodox Christians from childhood, the vast majority of our membership has come to the Orthodox Faith from other spiritual backgrounds or none at all. Some are long-time residents of the Wenatchee Valley, others more recent. Most importantly, we are one united spiritual family, desiring to love and worship the all-holy Trinity “in spirit and in truth” (Jn. 4:23)—God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are also sinners, yet striving for union with God by grace through faith and repentance. Services at Three Hierarchs are in English.
Fr. Michael Shanbour
The future Father Michael Shanbour was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas and baptized into the Holy Orthodox Church as an infant. His home parish of St. George, under the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, was officially established in 1921 by Orthodox immigrants from Lebanon.
Shanbour’s maternal great-grandfather, the Rt. Rev. Shukrallah Shadid, was called with his family from his home country to the U.S. to serve the Orthodox community in Oklahoma City. Father Shukrallah also travelled to Wichita to serve the community there as well, a mission church community at that time without a priest. That mission church has grown to become St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral, home of Bishop Basil Essey of the Antiochian Diocese of Wichita and Mid America, with a thriving community of descendants from those first Lebanese immigrants as well as a large and growing contingent of converts to the Orthodox Faith.
Fr. Michael McNiel
Assistant Priest
Father Michael McNiel was ordained to the holy diaconate by Metropolitan JOSEPH on November 1, 2020, and subsequently elevated to the priesthood by Metropolitan Saba on February 11, 2024. He has served Three Holy Hierarchs in Wenatchee for many years and is a talented preacher and teacher of the Orthodox faith.
Subdeacon Timothy Davison
Sub-Deacon Tim Davison is a long-time servant of Three Holy Hierarchs Orthodox Church and maintains all the disciplines and duties of the Sub-Deacon, Chief Altar Server, and Sacristan. His wife, Molly, is the First-Chanter of the parish.
Visitor Information
We absolutely want to meet you!
If you are new to the Orthodox Church, we recommend contacting Father Michael at wenorthodoxy@gmail.com or 509-263-6441 before visiting. This will help prepare you for your visit. It is often good to see the church building and to be able to ask some questions before attending. However, you are welcome to just to come and see!
Visiting Orthodox Christians should preferably contact Fr. Michael, mentioning the name of your parish and priest and if you are prepared to commune at the chalice.
Besides Sunday (9:30am), other good times to visit are Vespers (evening prayer service) on Saturday evenings (6:00pm) and on Wednesday evenings (6:00pm).
Temple building project
Prayer for the Construction of our Church Temple:
"O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Cornerstone of Thy holy Church, Giver of every good gift, the One who first loved us, look down upon us Thy people who desire to build a temple unto Thy glory in memory of Thy Holy Three Hierarchs and grant us the wisdom, strength, and resources to accomplish this task in accordance with Thy will. Remember the friends and benefactors of this parish who support the construction of this holy temple and bless them with Thy good things. And as Thou didst proclaim that even if Thy disciples were silent, the very stones would cry out, so also grant that this holy temple may proclaim Thee and draw all who dwell in this city and county to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. Inflame our hearts with love for Thee that we may offer to Thee ourselves and all Thou hast given us to the glory of Thy holy Name. For Thou art the true Philanthropist—the Lover of Mankind—and to Thee we send up glory, together with Thine eternal Father, and Thy most holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.”
Temple progress
This is where you can tithe or just donate to the general church fund.
Contact Us
Father Michael