Prayer for the Construction of our Church Temple:

​"O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Cornerstone of Thy holy Church, Giver of every good gift, the One who first loved us, look down upon us Thy people who desire to build a temple unto Thy glory in memory of Thy Holy Three Hierarchs and grant us the wisdom, strength, and resources to accomplish this task in accordance with Thy will. Remember the friends and benefactors of this parish who support the construction of this holy temple and bless them with Thy good things. And as Thou didst proclaim that even if Thy disciples were silent, the very stones would cry out, so also grant that this holy temple may proclaim Thee and draw all who dwell in this city and county to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. Inflame our hearts with love for Thee that we may offer to Thee ourselves and all Thou hast given us to the glory of Thy holy Name. For Thou art the true Philanthropist—the Lover of Mankind—and to Thee we send up glory, together with Thine eternal Father, and Thy most holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

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Tyler Thompson Tyler Thompson

May 2022

The Property Development Committee has made steady progress seeking to expand our current church property. There is a need for additional land for parking, playground, future school, etc. There has been communication with each of our neighbors letting them know we are interested in purchasing their property when the time is right. Also, the PDC met with a commercial builder in an effort to get some feedback on the current plan for our new church and an idea of what the building project will cost.

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Tyler Thompson Tyler Thompson

April 2022

The Property Development Committee, with much thought and discussion with various building design professionals, has decided to use the church plans of Holy Cross in Yakima. With some modifications, it is the best design to fit the needs of our parish and the site location on our property. Special thanks to Fr. Joseph Copeland for his work designing such a beautiful church!

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Tyler Thompson Tyler Thompson

March 2022

The Property Development Committee has made steady progress in seeking to expand our current church property. There is a need for additional land for parking, playground, future school, etc. There has been communication with each of our neighbors letting them know we are interested in purchasing their property when the time is right. Also, the PDC met with a commercial builder in an effort to get some feedback on the current plan for our new church and an idea of what the building project will cost.

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Tyler Thompson Tyler Thompson

December 2021

The second Property Development Committee was held to further discuss property expansion options as well as Church shape, size, and design. 

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Tyler Thompson Tyler Thompson

November 2021

After a long break, the Property Development Committee started back up with eight members. A very productive meeting was had. Potential property expansion options and church build strategy were the main topics at hand. The image above is the "Master Plan" developed a few years ago.

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